My -glorious- STUPID AREGARLEBLEH life

I made this blog as a way to talk to people because I always feel like no one wants to listen to me. Talking about my experiences is one of the great things I like to talk about, so I hope at least one person finds it worthy of their time.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Your Excuses For Eating Meat (And Why They're Invalid)

1. "But it's so tasty!"
So is dog meat, but that's considered barbaric to most Westerners. Vegetables can be ever tastier than meat, if you know how to cook them. They even have the bonus of no ligaments, bone and cartilage fragments, or salmonella! Have you ever had a warm, delicious batch of roasted potatoes?

2. "But we evolved to eat meat!"
That's true! But just like how we also evolved to grow wisdom teeth, we don't really need to obey that trait anymore. In the age of nomadic hunter-gatherers, humans were restricted to the local food sources, and the best way to obtain all of your nutrients no matter where you were was through eating meat. Nowadays, we have access to food from all over the world, and all of our dietary needs can be met through means other than meat.

3. "Animals eat each other in the wild!"
That's also true! But do they keep each other in crowded, filthy wearhouses, pump each other full of hormones, literally throw away unwanted baby animals into garbage cans or meat grinders, and cause massive amounts of deforestation to grow the crops to feed their prey? Um... no. And like I said... we don't live in the wild anymore.
(Source) (Source) (Source)

4. "Vegetarianism is plant abuse!"
Now you know you're just being stubborn.

5. "Vegetarianism is just so boring!"
Not if you use that spice cubbard, it's not. There are a plethora of delicious recipes online, and even perfectly crafted meat substitutes available if you must get your fix. You can still eat chicken parmesean and hearty burgers!

6. "It's my right as an American!"
Sure it is! It's also your right as an American to smoke cigarettes around your children and subject them to horrible diseases and multiple forms of cancer! Just because it's your lawful right, doesn't mean it's morally right. Please don't subject helpless third parties to your carelessness. Nobody deserves it.

I'm Gay As Hell Now

I love girls

All Artists Are Equal

Hi. It's me. I'm back!

I made a post on here a long time ago on why I thought The Beatles were better than One Direction. At the time, I was proud of how "popular" it had gotten. I was fueled by the comments agreeing with my narrow-minded point of view.

I wrote it during my cringy, middle school hipster phase when I thought anything popular today in pop culture was garbage and that everyone else was a bunch of sheeple. But hey! We all grow out of that weird pubescent hellfire and learn new perspectives!

Today I listen to all sorts of music -- pop and rock alike. Because I have now recognized that every artist deserves respect, no matter how different their art is from your personal taste! If you like synths and autotune, that's great! If you like a good old fashioned guitar riff and raw vocals, cool!

And that post was stupid! And middle school was awful!

And music is art! Art is a community! And One Direction is catchy and cute!

Nobody should care!


Monday, February 24, 2014

Sorry I haven't posted in forever...

If you still read my blog after all this time, you are seriously crazy.

But I'm flattered. ;)

I have some internet friends, though, who decided to make their own blog. They are desperate for page views, so please, if you have the time, take a look. Their antics are funny and unfortunate. XD

Here's the link:


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I Don't Understand Why Anyone Still Reads This Blog

I have 800 views.

I don't know whether to be thankful or worried.

Thank you.

United States
United Kingdom
South Korea

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Still Sick of The Melodramatics

Le me, scrollin through teh internetz...


"No one knows how many times I've cried"
"No one knows how sad I am"
"My life sucks"
"I don't eat because I think I'm fat" (*cough*)
"Random, super cheesy 'inspirational quote' about depression"
"Our generation is the saddest"

I. Am. Sick. Of. Melodramatic. Teenage. Girls.

I seriously don't know if they're just begging for attention or what. That many people cannot be depressed. And besides, the real depressed people wouldn't make pointless posts on the internet. They would be in bed, staring at the ceiling. Not motivated to do anything. That is depression.

I know that this is really pointless, and really short, and I already talked about this before, but it really annoys me. It's just a huge, stupid cliche at this point. If you make posts like this, for the love of God, STAHP.



Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Holy Crap, You Must Really Like Me!

I haven't been posting in furevah and y'all keep coming! I'll have you know that my life hasn't been interesting lately. But guess what? I have (as of now) 650 views! Why do you still like me?!

Anyways, you deserve the stats, since you worked so hard:

United States
United Kingdom
South Korea
United Arab Emirates

How crackalicious.
