My -glorious- STUPID AREGARLEBLEH life

I made this blog as a way to talk to people because I always feel like no one wants to listen to me. Talking about my experiences is one of the great things I like to talk about, so I hope at least one person finds it worthy of their time.

Friday, March 29, 2013

100 views! :D (And a tea party)

(Sniff!) I never thought I'd see the day! 100 views! This calls for a celebration!

...or maybe I'll just squeeze it into a celebration that I'm already having tomorrow.

Tomorrow's my Easter tea party! Everything's going to be fine and dandy! I'm inviting five friends to enjoy my hard work for the holiday. Perhaps I'll even take a picture of it and post it here!

For appetizers, I'm going to make homemade crackers and buy different varieties of cheese to create a personal cheese platter for everyone. It'll preferably be some fancy sounding ones like Provolone and Gouda, but of course, they're actually normal cheeses that I have every day!

As the main course, we will be having ham or turkey and mozzarella cheese sandwiches, since all of my guests have different tastes. We'll have a side of chicken Caesar salad (my favorite!).

For dessert, we'll have fancy cupcakes with carnations steeped in grape juice as toppers. We'll also have poached pears (Also made in grape juice). Although, I'm not sure if I should just serve the poached pears as a side throughout the entire meal or just as a dessert. I would ask for suggestions in the comments, but you guys never do, so I'm not even going to try.

We'll have a CD of piano music playing in the background and every person will have a flower waiting for them on their plates when they walk in (for them to keep, of course). All the napkins will be folded into fans and I'm going to use my best lace linens.

I'm so excited! Don't worry, I'll make sure to mention all of my views during the party! 


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Why The Beatles are better than One Direction

YO! IMPORTANT: before you read this, read my newest post, "All Artists Are Equal"

There was a post made some time ago with ten reason why the writer thought that One Direction is "better than The Beatles". It's all well and good to have opinions and I'm fine with that, but when you say things about The Beatles that aren't true to support your arguments, it really ticks me off.

That being said, let's go over MY ten reasons that The Beatles are better than One Direction.

1. The Beatles have made five movies, been on countless TV shows, had their own cartoon series, and have had many movies made about them.

On the other hand, as far as I know, One Direction has only one movie and has only been on X-Factor.

2. The Beatles were most likely the most popular band of all time, but if that is not so (yeah, fat chance!), then they were at least the most popular band of their time. Their songs were clever, fun, creative, catchy, and full of irresistible components on just the right pieces, never over using a style.

On Direction's songs all sound the same to me, and their songs really aren't even that creative. They're pretty cliché, plus, they don't even write their own songs, and they don't even play any instruments in them!

3. The Beatles, despite others' opinions, all of the challenges they faced, and extreme sadness from the losses of their friends, pushed through life and reached for the stars. They were hardly payed much, had to work long and hard, and had very low expectations of themselves, but they still played because they loved it. They had to work very hard to catch the attention of Brian Epstein, yet they still soared to the top.

One Direction only entered a contest and were tossed together by producers. They needed the help of the media to achieve their success.

4. The Beatles had the extreme talent to record almost an entire album in only one day. After singing for hours, their voices got progressively more worn out and on one of the last tracks they recorded that day, Twist and Shout, John's raggedy voice pushing through the energetic lyrics created one of their best sounds of all time. As quoted George Martin,  "I don't know how they do it. We've been recording all day but the longer we go on the better they get."

One Direction had to spend a whole year recording their songs, despite the fact that they had to do nothing but sing.

5. The Beatles were practically brothers. They did absolutely everything together, and were happy to involve themselves in each other's outrageous and silly schemes to have fun and to scare and irritate their manager at the time, whoever they may be. They played together for 12 years (8 years as "The Beatles") and only split when their music tastes became too drastically different.

One Direction is overly enthusiastic about the whole "I miss you" texts. In my opinion, it's just plain creepy.

6. The Beatles had met many, many celebrities in their days including Mohammed Ali, Little Richard, Fats Domino, Elvis, Mick Jaggar, Bob Dylan, and many more! These people were all very influential to music (except for Mohammed, of course! XD) and helped shape the styles that were listened to for yers to come!

One Direction's biggest "celebrity meeting achievement" is meeting Simon Cowell, a grumpy man whose past job is to judge people.

7. The Beatles have experimented with many names that they liked and thought had good meaning for years until they reached The Beatles. You see, they tailored their band until it was perfect.

One Direction had their name picked for them by their producers.

8. Members of The Beatles dated actresses such as Pattie Boyd and Jane Asher. Of course, they ended up with normal people like Yoko Ono and Linda McCartney, but everyone that they had relationships with were all very talented and beautiful.

The woman Rebecca Ferguson, which is bragged about as "a much classier lady than Cynthia Lennon", was simply a normal person who happened to be on X-Factor and produce a song or a few.

9. The Beatles' moptops were crazy and outrageous during their time. They were very influential to manufacturing companies and fanatics alike. There hair was an iconic part of the band, but it did not define who was the most popular member. The fans chose who they liked the best by their personalities. Yes, I will admit that many also chose favorites by their looks, but I don't believe that that was the greatest contributing factor to their decisions.

One Direction's Harry Styles is liked simply because of his hair style which, in my opinion, isn't that special. In fact, to me, it seems a little over the top. I never hear or read anything about "talent", only their hair or looks.

10. The Beatles were unselfish and kind. In fact, there are many instances of Paul McCartney having lots of fun with his dog, whom he loved unconditionally. John, in fact, loved children and loved to please them and play with them. The Beatles were friendly and humorous, and were sure to give a laugh wherever they went.

I never read or hear about One Direction being kind or caring. Yes, they may have sang songs that exclaim someone's beauty that they are unaware of, but let's not forget that they don't write their own songs.

That is my ten reasons why The Beatles are better that One Direction. Can we please get some legitimate reasons for an argument of someone's opinion about One Direction vs. The Beatles? At least try next time, people!


P.S. All right. I just had to say it... ambassadors of Pokemon? Seriously? That isn't something to brag about. Nobody cares.

I'm popular around the world! :D

This is not a normal post, I just wanted to mention that I'm thrilled to see people from all over the planet reading this blog! Here are all of the countries and the amount of views from them:

United States: 74
Germany: 5
South Korea: 4
Argentina: 1
Bangladesh: 1
Greece: 1
Romania: 1

How simply delightful! (sips tea)


Saturday, March 23, 2013

Toad Village Failures

Oh, spring is in the air! Everywhere except for where I live, which i covered in icy snow. And the snow came just in time, too, since I had just started a garden when mother nature decided to rain (or in this case, snow) on my parade. I might as well write about it, since I have nothing else to.

Since I live right next to the woods (in fact, half of my 10-acre property is covered by it), I thought that a mystical magical fairy garden would be perfect for the coming warm months. A garden complete with native flowers like Bleeding Hearts and Forget-Me-Nots, along with colorful mushrooms and an adorable toad village.

A toad village is a collection of toad houses (I like to use Terra Cotta pots filled halfway with dirt) and little community pools perfectly frog-sized for our little amphibian friends to enjoy. I purchased many perfectly sized pots and orange river stones for my village which I had started when I faced an unfortunate discovery: The  absolutely perfect spot that I had chosen was on my neighbors' property! Oh well, I have five of my own acres to choose from, so it's only a small setback. Once all of this darn snow melts, then I'll start looking!

My blog post are getting shorter and shorter.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Failing at Life and Malaria

Note to self: Knives cut things.

Yesterday, I was using a brand new knife, and I felt too lazy to clean it, so I decided to just wipe it off and put it away (Don't freak out, I was just cutting flax seed). I wadded up some paper towel and started wiping down and before I knew what was going on, I dropped the knife. Pain shot through my finger and I held it against my stomach, noticing that the paper towel soaked in blood. My family noticed my yelp in pain and they asked my what was wrong.

My brother thankfully knew what to do and I was okay in a little while, but I still can feel the effects -- for instance, If I stretch out or put pressure on my finger, it hurts, but also, I can't feel anything on the tip of my finger. It sucks because hands are made for feeling things, right? :(

But if it is permanent, then that means that there will be two places where I can't feel things. My right heel and, of course, my left index finger. My heel got that way after being run over by a full Costco shopping cart, but I'm sure you don't care about that story.

ANYHOW, today my school had an assembly on Malaria in Africa. Did you know that every 30 seconds, a child dies from Malaria? It's terrible, I know.

That's why our school is having a fundraiser! All of the money goes to Med25 International to buy mosquito nets and water purifying drops for people in Africa. Every five dollars earned can buy one of those things. I'm bringing all of the money I can for the cause (and I think I accidentally donated a rupee yesterday)!

Here's the Med25 website:


Monday, March 4, 2013

Spending the Day With Rachel and A Change of Plans

Sorry I haven't posted in two weeks! D:

Today, I went to school (duh) and once again skipped out on homework. Yes, that's right, I never do my homework, which is a  problem since pretty much my entire math grade is based off of it (F stands for fabulous, right?).

On the bus ride home, Rachel and I saw the sun and decided that today was the first  great day of the year to go and have some fun together away from our houses (we're neighbors, if that matters to you). Since eating is my favorite hobby, I insisted that we have a picnic. It took her a half hour to pick me up after she said she would be at my house "in a minute". By the time we had gotten to the park, the sun had sunk behind one of the many mountains here, and the air was colder than a timber wolf's toenail (shout out to whoever knows where that reference is from!). The wind was gusty and blew our plastic bags, napkins, and paper plates around, but we laughed it off and decided not to let it dampen our spirits.

Rachel got antsy when a girl from school came with a couple of boys. Then didn't notice us, but Rachel wanted to leave since she had heard stories of how she was mean. I wasn't scared, but on Rachel's behalf we decided to leave after eating, but they left before we were done, so we stuck around and chatted with some girl we met (as in chatted I mean goofed off).

Next stop was the library, where a group of raggedy teenage boys and other adults were gathered. I had read how there was drug dealing going on there after hours, but I hadn't thought they would come out in the day and smoke. A librarian tried to get them to stop, but they ultimately crossed the street in front of some neighborhood shops to do it. We went inside and Rachel checked out some manga, but I didn't have my library card with me so I couldn't. Anyways, all of the Black butler was checked out and I didn't recognize anything besides Fruits Basket, which only volumes 20, 21, and 23 were present.

After that, I went home and typed this up.

CHANGING THE SUBJECT, adults are cumbersome and annoying. Jumping in with their so-called facts when they haven't done a smidgen of research, while I enslaved my entire mid-winter break researching. Stupid, stupid adults. After a conversation with her father, my previously trusty Kat was swayed into "plan B mode", so now our project is off for good.Our project now is an experiment with lucid dreaming and all that. I'm too tired to explain, but if you're interested in volunteering, you can just comment and I'll tell you the details. :)

Seriously guys, comment.


P.S. I like friends that report all info they hear about you. Apparently, the boy that gave me chocolates (refer to my Valentine's Day post), is always talking about me and how he *ahem* likes me.

P.S.S. I watched the entire Angel Beats. I'm going as Yuri to Sakura Con (IF I get to go)! LOVE THAT SHOW!