My -glorious- STUPID AREGARLEBLEH life

I made this blog as a way to talk to people because I always feel like no one wants to listen to me. Talking about my experiences is one of the great things I like to talk about, so I hope at least one person finds it worthy of their time.

Friday, August 2, 2013

A Beautiful Beach Vacation!

When most people think of summer vacation, they think of free spirits packing up their cars, yelling "Smell 'ya later!" and heading for the sunny beaches.

Well, I got in the spirit and did the same thing. The only thing is, the beaches here are cloudy and cold, but I threw on a sweatshirt and jeans and had a ton of fun. I don't really want to tell you all the details since it will most definitely reveal where I live, so I'll just tell you about when we went to one of the beaches.

We were all jacked up about taking pictures, since my mother is a professional and I am aspiring to be one. She let me use one of her fancy shmancy cameras, and even if I still really suck, I made up for it with my underwater pictures.

We went to that specific beach for the tide pools there, which were filled with green sea anemones and orange and purple starfish. And tiny crabs and.... it wasn't kelp... and I'm pretty sure it wasn't seaweed...

Anyhow, I had brought my waterproof camera, so I would stick it into the water and cross my finders. Here are my favorite shots:

Cool, right? I cheated a little, because I put the "vivid" setting on my camera which made the colors brighter, but that's okay, right?

By the way, I had a little mishap while I was there that made me feel really bad. Along the sides of most of the tide pools were some little anemones that were all closed up and waiting for high tide. I tried to get close to a tide pool to take a picture when I accidentally slipped an a patch of the little guys! Good thing the water was shallow so I didn't get too wet, but I just hope I didn't hurt the poor things!

Oh! And for people like me out there, I saw something really cool, and I took some pictures... I found the mystery machine!

One of the days close to the end of the trip, we visited a small town and got hungry so we decided to eat at a Chinese restaurant. It was really good and it was pretty inside, too. I found a red vegetable in my chicken and I thought it was a slice of bell pepper, and I like bell peppers, so I popped it into my mouth. It was kinda leathery, unlike the soft, squishy texture of bell peppers, so I knew that I was eating a whole pepper of a different kind. Then it started to burn. I chewed it up and swallowed, and let me tell you, it really, really burned. A lot. I was shaking. I gulped down my whole glass of water and sucked on the ice cubes, but it still burned. My mother laughed and told the waitress what happened, and she laughed too. And no, I was not offended, because it actually was pretty funny. After we paid the bill and left, my mouth still burned, so my mother bought me some Dibs from the gas station. :D

Okay, welp, that's about all of the exciting stuff you're going to get from me. The rest, you wouldn't really care about. But it was really fun.


P.S. Nalu forever!

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