My -glorious- STUPID AREGARLEBLEH life

I made this blog as a way to talk to people because I always feel like no one wants to listen to me. Talking about my experiences is one of the great things I like to talk about, so I hope at least one person finds it worthy of their time.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Still Sick of The Melodramatics

Le me, scrollin through teh internetz...


"No one knows how many times I've cried"
"No one knows how sad I am"
"My life sucks"
"I don't eat because I think I'm fat" (*cough*)
"Random, super cheesy 'inspirational quote' about depression"
"Our generation is the saddest"

I. Am. Sick. Of. Melodramatic. Teenage. Girls.

I seriously don't know if they're just begging for attention or what. That many people cannot be depressed. And besides, the real depressed people wouldn't make pointless posts on the internet. They would be in bed, staring at the ceiling. Not motivated to do anything. That is depression.

I know that this is really pointless, and really short, and I already talked about this before, but it really annoys me. It's just a huge, stupid cliche at this point. If you make posts like this, for the love of God, STAHP.



Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Holy Crap, You Must Really Like Me!

I haven't been posting in furevah and y'all keep coming! I'll have you know that my life hasn't been interesting lately. But guess what? I have (as of now) 650 views! Why do you still like me?!

Anyways, you deserve the stats, since you worked so hard:

United States
United Kingdom
South Korea
United Arab Emirates

How crackalicious.


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

School Started Today

Guess what happened today?

School started! Yay! :D

Just kidding, I hate school.

Today was slow and boring. But I do think that I'll make a lot of new friends this year, because one of the schools in the district closed and now all of the students transferred to mine. I think I might have already sprouted some friendships today. : )

I also found myself a friend to fangirl with. She was here last year, but we never really clicked until today when we found out that we both were obsessed with Hetalia. We totally squealed and flipped out.

I think I'll like most of my teachers, especially for first period. She's perky and happy, but doesn't take no crap from nobody. So that's cool. But I don't think I like my teacher for fourth period. SHe just kind of... has an aura of... no around her. DX

Someone that I hated last year is riding the bus again. I was so relieved when he left and now he's back, the totally immature, stupid, stuck up, lying, hypocritical little butt. I want to punch him in the face with a honey badger that's on fire and saturated with acid. You can tell that I hate him a lot. But he's not the only totally bat crap crazy little jerk I'm forced into close quarters with. But he's one of them. I think I'll save the others for a later date.



Monday, September 2, 2013


Guess where I went! Just kidding. You can guess, but I won't tell you.

But I CAN tell you that  I went camping, and it was fun. Some of our family's friends rented a boy scout camp for memorial day weekend, and that's where we went. There were a lot of people there, and about five or six toddlers. We had lots of fun, roasting marshmallows, and generally just hanging out the whole time.

To my delight, though, there was a nice, pretty river flowing next to the camp site. It was so pretty that I HAD to go swimming. It had a lazy current and at the deepest parts only went up to my shoulders. Plus, it was really pretty and clear.

I was going to write a whole two paragraphs about swimming but I decided to just cut to the good part: I cut my foot. Twice. The first time it was a tiny little thing, but the second time was deep, and maybe an inch long. It sucked. I asked my dad to help me, but quite honestly, he didn't give a potato. He was more fascinated with the bugs that walked on the water.

I just put on some socks and kept swimming, though. I couldn't resist the pretty water.

Did I mention that the water was pretty?

Anyways, there was a little girl there, let's just call her Mary, and the last time I had met her was when she was two. She didn't remember me, but warmed up to me quickly. And she really, really liked me. What can I say? I'm a likable person. She had me draw her animals in her sketchbook, and while I did, everyone told me how good I was. I don't mean to brag, but I am pretty good at chibi and manga. But I have a long way to go before I'm a professional.

I really don't have much to say otherwise, nothing interesting, anyways, so I'll sign off here.


P.S. I have to feeling that my blog has gotten boring a while ago.