My -glorious- STUPID AREGARLEBLEH life

I made this blog as a way to talk to people because I always feel like no one wants to listen to me. Talking about my experiences is one of the great things I like to talk about, so I hope at least one person finds it worthy of their time.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Take to the sky!

My teacher showed the class a video of someone sending a weather balloon up into the atmosphere and it plummeting back down to earth. I had thought about weather balloons before today, but now, I'm certain that I'm going to do it.

Since I knew exactly what Kat was thinking, so once class was over I rushed to her and asked her if she wanted to do it. Since she's such a space geek, I knew she's say yes. I thought that we wold have to work our rear ends off to make the money, but she told me that her dad (king mega geek) probably had most of the things we needed.

Here's or plan:

We're going to rig up a weather balloon with at least one camera, a GPS tracker, and some strips of fruit that will be (safely, mind you) exposed to the air. We will answer the question: "How does being exposed to the atmosphere affect fruit?", and we're going to give all sorts of history and sciency information on our board.

Of course, this leaves a very wide space for EPIC FUNULATION!

Funulation: noun, manipulating something to make it more awesome. Coined by philosopher and writer Vienna Jordan in the awesome era. I'm going to funulate the experiment to send cool things into space.

Yep. I'm going to send some awesome stuff into the ozone layer. I don't know what I'm putting on yet, but I will. My dad said he wanted a picture of himself on the probe so that he can come to space. Of course, I'll do anything for comments, so comment below and I'll probably send a tiny item of your choice into space!


P.S. Here's the video my teacher showed us:

Thursday, February 14, 2013


I can now officially announce that I am an otaku. My definition of an otaku is someone who is so attached to the internet and their computer, along with an abnormal obsession anime and manga, that it affects their social life. I crossed out the last part because I don't think it applies to me... but the rest of it does.

I had a blog for a short time called "all the anime spoilers" because I loved telling Rachel everything that happens in the last anime that I watched. Unfortunately for most anime, she tells me that she plans to watch it as well so I can't tell her anything until she's done. Sigh.

You're probably thinking this: "Vienna! I desperately want to know what anime you've watched in your glorious life! Oh, I'm itching to know and I'll be kept up all night pondering it if yo don't tell me!" So I'll tell you.

The anime that got me hooked was Fruits Basket. It's about a girl names Tohru Honda whose parents both died and she was living with her grandpa until he had to make renovations on his house. She lived in a tent in the woods until a very popular boy in her school and his cousin find her and offer her a place to stay in exchange for housekeeping, but they all have a dark secret passed down for generations...

After that, I had to get more, so I turned to one that was animated by the same person who animated Frits Basket. Ouran High School Host Club (OHSHC) is about a very smart middle class girl that is accepted into an academy for the rich. She is looking for a quiet place to study when she stumbles upon the host club. She accidentally breaks a vase a in nervousness, and since she is mistaken for a boy, she is subject to work for the host club to pay off her dept(they find out she's a girl in the first episode, don't worry!).

I then had a hunger for this product of Japanese culture, so I watched Black Butler. It is about a young rich boy who is the head of the family since both of his parents died. He hires a demon butler (for reasons I won't reveal since it's part of the story ;D) in exchange for when he dies, the demon can take his soul.

Next I watched Fullmetal Alchemist. It is about Ed and Al Elric, two brothers whose mother was lost due to sickness. They tried to bring her back to life, but Al ended up losing his body and Ed lost his arm and leg. Throughout the series they are trying to find a way to regain what they've lost, fighting humunculi and Scar along the way.

Now I'm watching Sgt. Frog. It's basically a kid's show, but it can be hilarious at times! There is a band of space-alien frogs that come to Earth to conquer it, but fail miserably. They are constantly making up ridiculous schemes and plans to wipe out humanity. What I don't understand is why they stop each other when they try to hurt humans. O.o

I'm enjoying my adventure.


Pen Pals, Newspapers, and Mad Science

Yay, my teacher likes me!

While I was typing up my project in the computer lab (I'm the fastest typist in the class), my teacher asked me how I would like a pen pal. I smiled and told her "That would be awesome!". At the end of school that day, she handed me a letter and told me to read it and tell me what I think. I read the papers in the rain with Rachel while I was waiting for the bus. One letter had a big font and it was about a girl named Haley in Oklahoma. She wrote about her interests and asked a few questions. The other letter explained what it was.

Apparently, one school somewhere had a student write a letter to a random student in a random school somewhere else in the country. They would exchange four letters as pen pals, then the student that received the letter must do the same thing the first student did. This sets off a chain reaction in schools across the country-- and my teacher asked ME to do it! Yay! I would put the letter on the blog, but I don't want to reveal personal information.

MOVING ON! My buddy Kat is making a newspaper, and she wanted me to participate. I'm in charge of the science section and the weekly recipe section... and probably something else tat I forget.

She wanted me to do the science section because my science explanations are so fun. But I don't know how to do that in text, since usually I use funny voices and wild hand voices that yo can't write down. Darn. I'll figure something out.

SPEAKING OF SCIENCE, the school science fair is coming up! I'm stuck in a rut between two really cool sounding ideas: hydroponics using water that fishies lived in for nutrients, or an idea that I thought of myself, which is "Do some learning styles have an advantage over IQ tests?". I would appreciate feedback in the comments for which one I should pick!


Valentine's Day!

Today, as we all know very well, is Valentine's day! I felt sorry for not having anything to give out as valentines, but my friends are golden and didn't say boo when they gave me cards and treats. I got more paper than sugar, but that doesn't matter because that's not what this holiday is about(and my friends give me things on a regular basis anyways, I'm quite spoiled.).

I was sitting at the table my friends were gathered around before school started. Everyone was chatting with smiles on their faces when I got a tap on my shoulder. My friend (that just so happens to be a boy) told me "Happy Valentine's day!" and handed me a box of chocolates. I acted cheery and told him how nice he was, then slipped it into my backpack. It didn't sink in until later what this might mean.

Everyone tells me that he has a total crush on me, and I'm pretty sure I believe them! He tells me he has a girlfriend, but people also tell me not to trust him. I definitely don't like him back because honestly, his bad traits outweigh his good. Oh well, at least I got candy out of it!

At lunch, I bought four cupcakes that I had to carry myself! I held two in my hands, and the other two were lined up my left arm. I bought them for Sam (short for Samantha, but she's always mistaken for a boy), Twilight (yes, that's her real name), Annabelle, and myself. They all were vanilla with pink frosting. Lizzy gave us all cake balls afterwards. Cake, cake, cake!

My bestie, Kat (yes, that's her real name!) handed me a little pink scroll sealed with tape. She told me to give it to Gavin. She told me that someone else told her to take it to him, but she didn't have many classes with him. I was very suspicious about it, since She had that same pink paper with her to write my valentine, plus, she had also borrowed my red pen to "write more valentines" earlier that day, and the hearts in the corner of the paper looked suspiciously like hers. She still insisted that she didn't write it.

I couldn't stop thinking about that boy all day. It made my brain hurt a little. I ended up having a conversation with him (he sits behind me in social studies) and he asked me the dreaded question: "Did you like the chocolates?"

I told him I hadn't looked at them much and we left it at that, going on about YouTube parodies and silly things we could do with the assignment. He can make me laugh once in a while.

Kat told me that she wrote the note she wanted me to deliver to Gavin. I told her that she was a dirty liar and she laughed.

Rachel desperately wanted to know who gave me the chocolates when I told her the story, but I told her that I'd never tell. It'll be a mystery to her forever I think.

When I got home, I got some chocolate and a plush from my mom like every year, and I gave a piece to my brother, who got a bottle of cologne from his girlfriend.

Well, that brings my day to a close. Time to write a letter to my new pen pal! (I'll probably write abot that next post)
