My -glorious- STUPID AREGARLEBLEH life

I made this blog as a way to talk to people because I always feel like no one wants to listen to me. Talking about my experiences is one of the great things I like to talk about, so I hope at least one person finds it worthy of their time.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Take to the sky!

My teacher showed the class a video of someone sending a weather balloon up into the atmosphere and it plummeting back down to earth. I had thought about weather balloons before today, but now, I'm certain that I'm going to do it.

Since I knew exactly what Kat was thinking, so once class was over I rushed to her and asked her if she wanted to do it. Since she's such a space geek, I knew she's say yes. I thought that we wold have to work our rear ends off to make the money, but she told me that her dad (king mega geek) probably had most of the things we needed.

Here's or plan:

We're going to rig up a weather balloon with at least one camera, a GPS tracker, and some strips of fruit that will be (safely, mind you) exposed to the air. We will answer the question: "How does being exposed to the atmosphere affect fruit?", and we're going to give all sorts of history and sciency information on our board.

Of course, this leaves a very wide space for EPIC FUNULATION!

Funulation: noun, manipulating something to make it more awesome. Coined by philosopher and writer Vienna Jordan in the awesome era. I'm going to funulate the experiment to send cool things into space.

Yep. I'm going to send some awesome stuff into the ozone layer. I don't know what I'm putting on yet, but I will. My dad said he wanted a picture of himself on the probe so that he can come to space. Of course, I'll do anything for comments, so comment below and I'll probably send a tiny item of your choice into space!


P.S. Here's the video my teacher showed us:

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