My -glorious- STUPID AREGARLEBLEH life

I made this blog as a way to talk to people because I always feel like no one wants to listen to me. Talking about my experiences is one of the great things I like to talk about, so I hope at least one person finds it worthy of their time.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day!

Today, as we all know very well, is Valentine's day! I felt sorry for not having anything to give out as valentines, but my friends are golden and didn't say boo when they gave me cards and treats. I got more paper than sugar, but that doesn't matter because that's not what this holiday is about(and my friends give me things on a regular basis anyways, I'm quite spoiled.).

I was sitting at the table my friends were gathered around before school started. Everyone was chatting with smiles on their faces when I got a tap on my shoulder. My friend (that just so happens to be a boy) told me "Happy Valentine's day!" and handed me a box of chocolates. I acted cheery and told him how nice he was, then slipped it into my backpack. It didn't sink in until later what this might mean.

Everyone tells me that he has a total crush on me, and I'm pretty sure I believe them! He tells me he has a girlfriend, but people also tell me not to trust him. I definitely don't like him back because honestly, his bad traits outweigh his good. Oh well, at least I got candy out of it!

At lunch, I bought four cupcakes that I had to carry myself! I held two in my hands, and the other two were lined up my left arm. I bought them for Sam (short for Samantha, but she's always mistaken for a boy), Twilight (yes, that's her real name), Annabelle, and myself. They all were vanilla with pink frosting. Lizzy gave us all cake balls afterwards. Cake, cake, cake!

My bestie, Kat (yes, that's her real name!) handed me a little pink scroll sealed with tape. She told me to give it to Gavin. She told me that someone else told her to take it to him, but she didn't have many classes with him. I was very suspicious about it, since She had that same pink paper with her to write my valentine, plus, she had also borrowed my red pen to "write more valentines" earlier that day, and the hearts in the corner of the paper looked suspiciously like hers. She still insisted that she didn't write it.

I couldn't stop thinking about that boy all day. It made my brain hurt a little. I ended up having a conversation with him (he sits behind me in social studies) and he asked me the dreaded question: "Did you like the chocolates?"

I told him I hadn't looked at them much and we left it at that, going on about YouTube parodies and silly things we could do with the assignment. He can make me laugh once in a while.

Kat told me that she wrote the note she wanted me to deliver to Gavin. I told her that she was a dirty liar and she laughed.

Rachel desperately wanted to know who gave me the chocolates when I told her the story, but I told her that I'd never tell. It'll be a mystery to her forever I think.

When I got home, I got some chocolate and a plush from my mom like every year, and I gave a piece to my brother, who got a bottle of cologne from his girlfriend.

Well, that brings my day to a close. Time to write a letter to my new pen pal! (I'll probably write abot that next post)


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