My -glorious- STUPID AREGARLEBLEH life

I made this blog as a way to talk to people because I always feel like no one wants to listen to me. Talking about my experiences is one of the great things I like to talk about, so I hope at least one person finds it worthy of their time.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Just a Short Viennafans Service Announcement

I just want to let you know that there is a very important list on the side of the page, titled "Too Short For Whole Posts". I update that every once in a while when I have something short to say, so please check it out whenever you remember. : )


Why The Beatles are better than One Direction (Part 2)

YO! IMPORTANT: before you read this, read my newest post, "All Artists Are Equal"

I'll admit, I didn't do my research on 1D. I was basing my answers on the reasons on the original post that some person made somewhere at some time about that one thing. It seems that we have an expert on 1D in the audience that has enlightened me with knew knowledge on them, that I will now work off of to make a more accurate report. Enjoy.

1. The Beatles, as a whole band, have been awarded 14 gold records in the U.K. Paul McCartney, the bassist, has been awarded 17 in the U.K. and 20 in the U.S. The Beatles have only won, I'll admit, 13 awards and have only been nominated for 35, but that's probably because there were less awards to win back then (not that I'm making excuses or anything)!

2. There are very few songs that The Beatles performed and didn't write. They had only produced 21 covers out of their entire collection of  over 200 songs. The covers were mostly in their early years when they were just starting, and the rest they just did for fun here and there. One Direction, apparently, wrote some of their songs, an performed in some of their songs, but mostly, they are written for them and they don't play most of the instruments.

3. As I said in part one of this... uh... series, you could call it, I mentioned that The Beatles were pretty much brothers. They shared their hotel rooms, rode in the same car (okay, maybe that wasn't their choice)... the list is endless, but their producer said something about it so it's legit. *puts on reading glasses that I don't need and looks over a piece of paper* And it says here that that's pretty much the same with 1D, so I guess I can't bash it. BUT The Beatles DID NOT break up because they didn't like each other. Yes, they were fighting at the time, but after a while of being apart, they were besties again.

4. Aaaaaaaaaand it says here that 1D wanted to "master" the art of song, and that's why it took a year. Well, all this says to me is that they were too inexperienced to begin quite yet. The Beatles had been playing for a very long time before they recorded their first album, therefore, they knew their stuff. Besides, I'm sure that Johnny's throat got better after a week or so. It was just a cold.

5. John Lennon, the rhythm guitarist who started the band, was interviewed in 1971, and was asked if the songs of his "Give Peace a Chance" and "Power to The People" were propaganda songs, and he replied: "Sure. So was 'All You Need Is Love'. I'm a revolutionary artist. My art is dedicated to change." He also created the "Hair Peace, Bed Peace" thingy. Yeah. I haven't heard a word of 1D being dedicated to change for the better.

6. Here's a reason that I really like: One Direction COPIES The Beatles. "All You Need is Love" was written by, you guessed it, the one and only BEATLES! And guess what? Their album cover or whatever that picture is from... them walking across the crosswalk together? Look up "The Beatles Abbey Road album cover" on Google Images. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

7. I don't see why changing names is a bad thing. I find it good, because they made their band perfect before they got too popular. If they had kept it to the original "Quarry Men", they probably would have been real sick of it forever. :P

8. I'm too lazy to write this one.

9. Yeah, having long hair wasn't the style then, and according to this expert over here, still isn't! Their hair was unique and fun, and gave them a sort of "trademark" that the fans could hold onto and associate with them. It kind of gave them a way to be "The Beatles", and no one else. Of course, long hair went into style later in the 60's, but that's not important.

10. The Beatles did do charity concerts, as a matter of fact. A quote from my sources: "On 09/20/1964 (8:30pm) - The Beatles concert is held at The Paramount Theater in New York City as a charity benefit for The United Cerebral Palsy of New York City, and The Retarded Infants Services. 3682 tickets are sold for this 3650 seat theater for up to $100 each." That's $368,000! And that's only one instance. I couldn't seem to find any more, but if I do, I'll let y'all know.

Taha-Oodles, my people!
-The FABULOUS Vienna

P.S. Dear Sir or Madam Expert: If you just so happened to be trolling, it didn't make me mad. It just motivated me. Thank you for giving me more prompts to write about how superior The Beatles are to 1D. Have a wonderful day. : )

P.S.S. The Beatles were not selfish! HUFF!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I must be SO popular! I know you all love me so much. I just wonder if any of you come back over and over... like fans or followers or whatever. I'll just pretend that you are. : )

...and I'll pretend that you comment....
...and share with your friends....
...and find me to be your guilty pleasure........
...and that you all love me....
...and you wanna date me even though you're a lady............

ANYWAYS I'm sure you're all wondering the stats by now so here they are:

United States
South Korea
United Kingdom

Coolio, right? Thank you to everyone for making this site kinda sorta cool-ish!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Father's Day Extravaganza!

This was written on Monday, but I was too lazy to revise "yesterday" to "two days ago". :P

Yesterday was Father's Day! Yes, I was ever so kind to my father and tried my best to make him happy. Our day went like this:

My brother wakes me up so that I can "help him" make breakfast. Instead, it turned out, all that he did was slice the peppers and sausage. I was the one who did all of the cooking and cleaning up! I cooked the eggs, fried the onions, and burned my hand pretty bad in the process.

After that, I made some roast beef, Swiss cheese, jalapeño, and bell pepper sandwiches; toasted up and wrapped in foil. My father, my dog and I soon set out for the trail, which was an old logging road from I'm guessing about 100 years ago. The ice storm (last year? this year? I don't know... I think it was last year) had blown down some trees over the tail that we had to crawl under or step over, which made it more fun or me... for some reason.

We got to the end of the trail, which is a place we call "the campsite", even though I'm sure no one camps there. It's a clear space on a steep hill overlooking a rushing creek, with an umbrella of trees to block the warm summer sun. We ate our sandwiches, which proved a little too spicy for my dad, who ate almost the entire bag of nuts to make the burning in his mouth go away! But he insisted that he loved the sandwich, so that's good. My dog got some kibble and water.

I had brought a knife with me for various reasons, and I took it out to try to carve my initials into a tree, but I had never been good at that, so it turned out to be chicken scratch. But my dad saw the knife as an opportunity. He occupied his time by throwing it at a tree, trying to perfect his throw, I guess. He had a fun time with it.

We  cleaned up and took off, and the trip back was very quick. When we got to the head of the trail. we heard some roaring thunder and it started to sprinkle. We walked back home and were relieved to finally rest. We had a very fun time!

Here are the pictures:

I live in such a pretty place. : )


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The Rainy Summer is Here!

Ah, the summer vacation --  all of the children await its presence. They count down the days to barbecues, Popsicles, ice cream, swimming and FREEDOM.

I give you, my dear readers: the queen vacation!

Clap. Clap. Clap.

I would be a lot better if it weren't so rainy. Now hat school's out, my parents see that as an opportunity to pour more chores on my brother and I. They make the excuse that they're "getting old", and I wouldn't mind doing them if the way they asked(more like commanded) was nicer. -.-

During this summer vacation I have planned a few activities for myself:
-Going to the science museum (SCIENCE IS PHUN)
-Going to the aquarium (I'm mentally and almost secretly obsessed with water/the ocean/ fish/etc.)
-Going to he beach (a cold, cloudy beach, bu here's fun stuff to do in town... plus reason above)
-Photography (I'm into that now)
-Swimming (lots and lots of swimming in our ice cold lake... SO MUCH WATER)
-Filming (oh, I never mentioned... I'm a born director/actress/scriptwriter/editor... slightly mentally obsessed)
-A weather balloon filming (here's the video that got me hooked )

Wish me luck.

Oh, hey, I love a new anime -- Hetalia! It's random and stupid to the point that it's hilarious. It's just tedious watching the Funimation thing every five minutes. DX
