My -glorious- STUPID AREGARLEBLEH life

I made this blog as a way to talk to people because I always feel like no one wants to listen to me. Talking about my experiences is one of the great things I like to talk about, so I hope at least one person finds it worthy of their time.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Giggling, Crushing Boys

You know how you just kinda know when a boy likes you? How they start to act a little different, how they start to talk to you more? Or even how they overhear your bullies and tell them to bug off? Yeah, it makes me feel pretty darn special too.

Well, have I got some pretty juicy secrets for you! Well, I guess they're not really secrets since I'm welcoming (almost) the whole internet to read them!

My first subject of humiliation is a boy that has sat next to me in almost all of my classes (coincidence?) for one month. I guess that if you sit next to me for that long, you'd have to warm up to me, right? Lately, he's been talking to me directly more than anyone else. He jokes around and I think he enjoys our short, almost one-sided conversations, but I don't think he's being obvious enough for me to say for absolute sure if he's crushing, but listen here: after school, I saw him grinning with two of his buddies and staring at me. I only caught them for a second before I turned away, but I know what I saw. Even after he left, his friend was still toothy and watching me, which, I'll admit, was a little awkward.

My second subject of humiliation has almost no contact with me whatsoever, but I did overhear him a while ago admitting his crush on me. In my very relaxed and casual exploratory class, a boy (or should I say my enemy that is so obnoxious beyond words that I hate with a passion, that dirty lying cheating sabotaging...) is pretty snotty towards me, including messing with my work and saying lies about me to make me look stupid and mean. Of course, what this has to do with SOH2, he's always telling him to stop being such a jerk and that usually shuts up the boy for a minute or two. I make a little joke about it and keep working, but deep down, it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside!


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